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 17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles)

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Nombre de messages : 3509
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles) Empty
MessageSujet: 17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles)   17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles) EmptyDim 26 Déc 2021 - 20:41

Selon ma documentation ce bataillon porte un badge de la Rifle Brigade portant uniquement la mention South Africa sur la croix.

Badge Rifle Brigade 17 th London (collec. Borris)
17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles) 590_0010

17th County of London Battalion "Poplar & Stepney Rifles" (collec. argyll)
17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles) 1713

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17th County of London Btn (poplar and Stepney Rifles)
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