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 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy

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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 5044
Age : 49
Localisation : artois
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2007

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 11:51

bonjour à tous,
je recherche des informations sur cette unité.
mes question sont :
à quelle Division australienne appartient elle?
quel pourrait etre son patch?
et une dernière :
quel title portait il? AUSTRALIA ou un autre?
merci par avance pour votre aide.
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Nombre de messages : 3300
Localisation : Nord
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2007

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:15

Salut Michel

Le colour Patch pour le 3rd Aust Tunneling Coy c'est ça :
3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Aif_3r10

Mais méfiez vous des contrefaçons.... Rolling Eyes
3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Aif_3r11

Si tu regardes l'étiquette de la copie, il est indiqué "under British command" donc piste à creuser Laughing

David /biere/
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lawrence brown

lawrence brown

Nombre de messages : 609
Age : 67
Localisation : London, Great Britain
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2006

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:27

Bonjour Michel
J'imagine que tu es intéressé par les opérations à Hill 70, la 3rd Australian Tunnelling Company était attachée aux Canadiens voir le lien.....

si non, je pense que comme d'autre unités des Royal Engineers, ils étaient sous commandement d'un corps d'armé non, logiquement à la 3rd Division...
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Big Jim

Big Jim

Nombre de messages : 573
Age : 47
Localisation : Hazebrouck / Flandres
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2008

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:29


Les Tunnellers ne font pas parties des 5 divisions d'infantry.
C'est un corps à part tout comme le Flying Corps, l'Artillery ......
Il y avait 3 Compagnies de Tunnellers durant la première guerre mondiale qui faisaient partie des Engineers..
Je ne connais pas de title spécifique aux Tunnellers Coy, donc je pense qu'ils devaient porter le title AUSTRALIA.



Dernière édition par Big Jim le Jeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:32, édité 1 fois
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lawrence brown

lawrence brown

Nombre de messages : 609
Age : 67
Localisation : London, Great Britain
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2006

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:31

il ya ceci aussi que j'ai trouvé sur le Great War forum mais il va falloir sortir les dictionnaires !! il s'agit d'un extrait de JMO des 3rd TC

Several enemy traps in dugouts entered from Ahead Trench at (M.30.b.30.50 on Sheet 36.o.S.w.l.) were exploded on June 26th. The enemy had left this trench on June 24th & the first explosion took place 41 hours after they had left; completely- wrecking the entrance to a dugout. Six more explosions occurred in dugout entrances afterwards, at intervals up to 10.30 a.m. on 28th June, or 8hours after the enemy had retreated.
At about 8.a.m. on 28th Lieut. Russell, with a party of sappers examined the dugouts in this trench & found an explosive charge in the back of one entrance, behind the timbers about half way down the stairway. It was a charge of about 60 lbs wt.
The C.O. in the trench was warned Brigade advised.
The charge exploded one hour later & destroyed the Dugout. The charge was doubtless exploded by a time device, probably-of the copper-wire-in—acid—bath-type. Other charges were discovered at the same time.

On the evening of 28/6/17 a raid was carried out by the 18th Infantry Brigade (consisting of 2nd D.L.I. & 11th Essex Regiment.
On account of the advanced made in April & May we had swung our front line on Hill 70 across the enemy old front line and a mine system which the enemy still had access to. The enemy had been heard charging three mines under this new front line so it was arranged that three parties of the 3rd Australian Tun Coy. each consisting of 1.N.C.O. & 6 sappers, under the command of Capt. Sanderson MC should take part in the raid. They went over the Block in the old German Line at N1.45.80 for the purpose of carrying out an examination and demolition of the enemy’s mine system between that point and N.
The parties left the Block at 7.15 p.m.
Three mine shafts were found and destroyed.
Shaft “A” was 5’6 x 3’ & inclined & lead into a gallery where electric leads were discovered on the back of the
Gallery leading to a charge untamped. Those leads were destroyed. A charge of 150 lbs of ammonal & 10 lbs of gun— cotton was fired at about at a point “X” which completely wrecked the gallery.
Shaft “B” was about 5’ x 2’6”. At a depth of 20 ft a charge of 150 lbs ammonal & 10 lbs of guncotton was fired at a little after 8.p.m. & this completely wrecked the shaft.
Shaft “C” was found to be a big shaft on an incline. The electric leads found fastened at the back of this shaft were destroyed. A charge of 130 lbs of ammonal & 10 lbs of guncotton was fired 20’ below the surface destroying the shaft.
The two dugouts, in this system of galleries connecting the shafts, from which some o the enemy threw bombs, were both destroyed earlier by mobile charges, at about 7.18 p.m.
The parties commenced to slowly withdraw at about 8.10pm and reported at 8.20 p.m. at Cameron Shaft.
The casualties were 1 officer, Mr Coulter killed & another officer, Capt. A. Sanderson, slightly wounded (remaining on duty), 1 N.C.O. (1051 Cpl Jackson E.E wounded, & 1 sapper (1283 Spr. Griffin P) killed & another Sapper (4481 Spr Suiter RJ) wounded.
Each party engaged in the above operation worked splendidly in very trying circumstances.
Capt. Sanderson praised very highly the work done by the 11th Essex Infantry in this raid, Under cover of whose protection the destruction of the mining shafts was carried out,
The enemy were in greater number than our Infantry & put up a fierce resistance.
The enemy casualties were heavy.
The artillery barrage in this raid was admirable. This raid was most successful, and all our objectives were gained.
A most regrettable incident of the raid was the death of our CO, Major LJ Coulter D.S.O. Major Coulter had returned on that very afternoon, from leave, and hearing that some of the Company were taking part in the raid, at once went out to Hill 70 arriving at the Block just as our men were “hopping” over, he went with them and gaining the German Trench, joined with our men the men of the 11th Essex in heavy fighting at close quarters.
Most of our men were in surveying and setting charges in the mine galleries at this time and to make sure that the enemy would not retake the trench and capture them, Major Coulter remained to cheer up and hearten the Infantry by his fearless example. The enemy counterattacked three times to try and retake the trench. During the 2nd counterattack Major Coulter was shot through the mouth & spine at close quarters & was killed instantaneously. At the same time Sapper Griffen was killed alongside him in the same way. The retirement was successfully carried out under cover of rifle fire by rear guard parties. The enemy immediately afterwards advanced across the
top und reoccupied his front line.
Major Coulter’s body was carried back by the Tunnellers during which operation Cpl Jackson was severely wounded in the wrist. Letters of appreciation of the excellent work done by all ranks of the 3rd Australian Tunnelling Company engaged on this raid were received from the Army Commander, General Sir H. Horne, K.C.B etc; The Inspector of Mines, General Harvey and the Commander of the 6th Division.
They all expressed sympathy in the Loss to the company of Major L J Coulter DSO. & 1283 Sapper Griffin, F.
Captain A. Sanderson was awarded a Bar to the “Military Cross” by authority Corps Routine Orders, dated 20/7/17, for the excellent work he did as leader of the shaft demolition party, in connection with the raid on 28/6/17.
During the raid at Hill 70 on 28/6/17, 4250 Temp. 2/Cpl Bocksette led one of the parties of the 3rd Aust. Tunnelling Company which entered the enemy’s trench while it was being heavily bombarded, and effectively destroyed three mine shafts. He showed great coolness and initiative in assisting to perform valuable exploration work underground in galleries heavily charged with smoke from bombs, afterwards setting & firing a large charge of explosives, destroying the shaft. He carried out this arduous & dangerous work with complete success.
Cpl Bocksette was awarded the MM.
During the raid, also, 3592A Sapper Burns ,J. showed great dash and set a fine example. He rendered valuable assistance in exploring and destroying enemy mine galleries & dugouts, the entrances of which were in an enemy trench that was being heavily bombarded and attacked by the enemy. His work largely contributed to the success of the operation.

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Nombre de messages : 5044
Age : 49
Localisation : artois
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2007

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2011 - 12:50

bonjour à tous,
mille merci.
bien vue lawrence /tresbien/ .
je viens de fouiller sur le net et j'ai trouvé ceci :
dessin de l'insigne peint sur les véhicules de cette compagnie :

3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Img12


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3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 3rd Australian Tunneling Coy   3rd Australian Tunneling Coy Empty

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3rd Australian Tunneling Coy
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