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 A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century

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Nombre de messages : 655
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2009

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Empty
MessageSujet: A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century   A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century EmptyJeu 25 Mai - 14:49


Je voulais vous signaler la parution d'une nouvelle série d'ouvrages en anglais concernant le militaria dans le 20ème siècle.

Tome 1 est déjà paru, le militaria Belge 1914-1940 & Congo.
Tome 2 est presque là, les casques Allemands et KuK pendant la 1.GM et après.
Tome 3-10 en préparation

Je veux aussi remercier les nombreux membres de ce forum qui m’ont donné des photos pour les tomes suivants, l'équipement Allemands de la 1.GM.


Chaque tome est limité a 300 exemplaires et numéroté, avec 295 pages et plus de 1000 photos, seulement disponible chez moi (c'est une petite projet privé)

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A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen11

/merci/ /merci/ /merci/ /biere/ /biere/
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Nombre de messages : 655
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2009

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century   A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century EmptyJeu 25 Mai - 14:54

Quelques photos Tome 1 : Belge 1914-1940 & Congo

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume15

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume10
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume11
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume12
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume13
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Volume14
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Nombre de messages : 655
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2009

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century   A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century EmptyJeu 25 Mai - 14:56

Tome 2 : Imperial German and KuK Steel helmets and their post-war use

A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century 20230510
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen12
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen13
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen14
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen15
A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century Screen16
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A Photographic Journey of Uniforms and Equipment through the 20th Century
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