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 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)

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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 3677
Age : 64
Localisation : Artesia
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2010

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 20:56

Bonsoir, un badge du London Scottish Regiment.

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Dscf1703

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Nombre de messages : 3509
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 21:44

14th County of London Battalion (London Scottish) (collec. kougar)
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 5fc3cb10

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Img_6822

site à voir

Dernière édition par Admin le Mar 14 Déc 2021 - 22:04, édité 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 4881
Age : 49
Localisation : artois
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2007

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 21:49


voici un ensemble du 14th London.
ce bataillon est rattaché à la 1st Division

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 1414

un venant de terrain :

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 14th_110
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 14th_210


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Nombre de messages : 3509
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 21:57

collars et titles (collec. carlausius)
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 2nrmtyt
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) O06s02
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 15hfs4h
14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 2ymjggo

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Nombre de messages : 3509
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 22:03

post d'argyll

petit historique London Scottish :

1859 : création sous le nom de 15th Middlesex RVC
1880 : renuméroté 7th
1881 : devient bataillon de volontaire du Rifle Brigade
1908 : devient 14th bataillon (County of London) - London Regiment (London Scottish)
1937 : devient London Scottish / Gordon Highlanders

title :
L.S.R.V en métal blanc
LONDON/SCOTTISH introduit en1915

voici 1 ensembles en rapport avec ce bataillon :

- Lee Metford marqué au 14 C.L. - cap badge venant du terrain :

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 14thlo10

14 CL - 242 - aout 1899 - Enfield :

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 14_cl_11

site à voir
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Nombre de messages : 1851
Localisation : artois
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2008

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: 14th county of london   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) EmptySam 8 Jan 2022 - 13:57

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) 20220124
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Contenu sponsorisé

14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)   14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment) Empty

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14th county of London Btn (London Scottish Regiment)
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