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 Royal West Kent

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3 participants


Nombre de messages : 3938
Age : 53
Localisation : seitengewehr land
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2011

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyLun 10 Aoû 2020 - 15:53


Trouvaille d’il y a déjà quelques années, je tenais à partager ces quelques photos avec vous Wink , 2 titles dans la même motte de terre  drunken  drunken

Amicalement /biere/

Royal West Kent Cdbf5310

Royal West Kent C62e9010

Royal West Kent Fa5d2a10

Royal West Kent 2755fa10

Royal West Kent F335e410
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Nombre de messages : 3938
Age : 53
Localisation : seitengewehr land
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2011

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyDim 23 Aoû 2020 - 20:45


Soldat du Royal West Kent accompagné de son chiot.

Vu Facebook

Amicalement /biere/

Royal West Kent 3d3f0610
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Nombre de messages : 3938
Age : 53
Localisation : seitengewehr land
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2011

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyVen 25 Juin 2021 - 17:09


Une bien belle photo Wink drunken

Amicalement /biere/

Royal West Kent 8c807010

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Nombre de messages : 3564
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 15:57

un royal west kent (collec. seaforth)
Royal West Kent 420fb210

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Nombre de messages : 3564
Localisation : nord-pas-de-calais
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMar 14 Déc 2021 - 16:38

post de noz

The Regiment raised a total of 18 battalions during the First World War and was awarded 79 battle honours and 3 Victoria Crosses during the course of the war.

1st Battalion
04.08.1914 Stationed in Dublin as part of the 13th Bridge of the 5th Division.
15.08.1914 Mobilised for war and landed at Havre and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1914
The Battle of Mons and subsequent retreat, The Battle of Le Cateau, The Battle of the Marne, The Battle of the Aisne, The Battles of La Bassee and Messines 1914, The First Battle of Ypres.
During 1915
The Second Battle of Ypres, the Capture of Hill 60.
During 1916
The Attacks on High Wood, The Battle of Guillemont, The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, The Battle of Morval, The Battle of Le Transloy.
During 1917
The Battle of Vimy, The Attack on La Coulotte, The Third Battle of the Scarpe, The Battle of Polygon Wood, The Battle of Broodseinde, The Battle of Poelcapelle, The Second Battle of Passchendaele.
Dec 1917 Moved to Italy arriving at Fontivilla to strengthen the Italian resistance.
April 1918 Returned to France and once again engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1918
The Battle of Hazebrouck, The Battle of Albert, The Battle of Bapaume, The Battle of Drocourt-Queant, The Battle of the Epehy, The Battle of the Canal du Nord, The pursuit to the Selle, The Battle of the Selle.
11.11.1918 Ended the war in France, Pont sur Sambre S.W. of Maubeuge.

2nd Battalion
04.08.1914 Stationed at Multan at the outbreak of war.
30.01.1915 Embarked for Mesopotamia from Bombay arriving at Basra to join the 12th Indian Brigade.
Nov 1915 Two companies were attached to the 30th Brigade of the 6th Indian Division which was besieged at Kut al Amara and then captured in 29.04.1915.
Jan 1916 The remaining companies transferred to the 34th Brigade o f the 15th Indian Division which engaged in various actions against the Turkish forces including;
Action of As Sahilan, Capture of Ramadi
Aug 1917 the 34th Brigade transferred to the 17th Indian Division which engaged in various actions against the Turkish forces including;
The Action at Fat-ha Gorge, The Battle of Sharqat.
31.10.1918 Ended the war in Mesopotamia, Fattah Gorge on Tirgis north of Tikrit.

3rd (Reserve) Battalion
04.08.1914 Stationed at Maidstone and then moved to Chatham.
Summer 1918 Moved to Leysdown on the Isle of Sheppey.

1/4th Battalion Territorial Force
04.08.1914 Stationed at Tonbridge as part of the Kent Brigade of the Home Counties Division and then moved to Dover, Canterbury and then Sandwich.
30.10.1914 Embarked for India from Southampton where the Division was broken up and remained in India throughout the war.

1/5th Battalion Territorial Force
04.08.1914 Stationed at Bromley as part of the Kent Brigade of the Home Counties Division and then moved to Dover, Canterbury and then Sandwich.
30.10.1914 Embarked for India from Southampton where the Division was broken up and remained in India throughout the war.
Dec 1917 Moved to Mesopotamia landing at Basra and joined the 54th Brigade of the 18th Indian Division which engaged in various actions against the Turkish forces including;
the Actions at the Fat-ha Gorge, the actions on Little Zab and the Battle of Sharqat
31.10.1918 Ended the war in Mesopotamia, near Sharqat on Tigris north of Tikrit.

2/4th Battalion Territorial Force
Sept 1914 Formed at Tonbridge and then moved to Ascot to join the 202nd Brigade of the 67th Division.
April 1915 The 202nd Brigade was renamed the 2/Kent Brigade and the Kent Composite Battalion was formed from the; H.Q. and 1 company of the 2/4th Royal West Kent, 1 company of the 2/4th East Kent, 1 company of the 2/5th East Kent and 1 of the 2/5th Royal West Kent battalions.
24.04.1915 The composite battalion joined the 160th Brigade of the 53rd Division and moved to Cambridge and then Bedford finally becoming the 2/4th Royal West Kent Battalion.
20.07.1915 Embarked for Alexandria from Southampton via Mudros.
10.08.1915 Landed at Suvla Bay
13.12.1915 Evacuated to Egypt due to heavy casualties from combat, disease and severe weather conditions with the Division at only 15% of its full strength. It now engaged in various actions as part of the Palestine Campaign including;
During 1916
The Battle of Romani.
During 1917
The First Battle of Gaza, The Second Battle of Gaza, The Third Battle of Gaza, the Capture of Tell Khuweilfe, The Capture of Jerusalem, The Defence of Jerusalem.
During 1918
The battle of Tell'Asur.
13.09.1918 Disbanded after leaving the Division.

2/5th Battalion Territorial Force
Sept 1914 Formed at Bromley and then moved to Ascot to join the 202nd Brigade of the 67th Division.
May 1915 Moved to Kent and then Tonbridge.
July 1916 Moved to Canterbury and then Ashford and back to Canterbury.
Nov 1917 Disbanded.

3/4th Battalion Territorial Force
July 1915 Formed at Bromley and then moved to Cambridge.
08.04.1916 Became 5th Reserve Battalion at Crowborough.
01.09.1916 Absorbed by the 4th (Reserve) Battalion.

4/4th Battalion Territorial Force
July 1915 Formed and then moved to Cambridge.
08.04.1916 Moved to Crowborough and became the 4th (Reserve) Battalion.
01.09.1916 Absorbed the 5th (Reserve) Battalion as part of the Home Counties Reserve Brigade.
Oct 1916 Moved to Tunbridge Wells where it remained.

6th (Service) Battalion
14.08.1914 Formed at Maidstone as part of the First New Army (K1) and then moved to Colchester to join the 37th Brigade of the 12th Division and then moved to Purfleet.
Feb 1915 Moved to Aldershot.
01.06.1915 Mobilised for war and landed at Boulogne and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1915
The Battle of Loos.
During 1916
The Battle of Albert, The Battle of Pozieres, The Battle of Le Transloy.
During 1917
The First Battle of the Scarpe, The Battle of Arleux, The Third Battle of the Scarpe, The Cambrai operations.
During 1918
The Battle of Bapaume, The First Battle of Arras 1918, The Battle of Amiens, The Battle of Albert, The Battle of Epehy, The Battle of the St Quentin canal, The Final Advance in Artois.
11.11.1918 Ended the war in France, Lecelles N.W. of St. Amand.

7th (Service) Battalion
05.09.1914 Formed at Maidstone as part of the Second New Army (K2) and then moved to Purfleet to join the 55th Brigade of the 18th Division.
April 1915 Moved to Colchester and then Codford, Salisbury Plain.
27.07.1915 Mobilise for war and landed at Havre and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1916
The Battle of Albert, The Battle of Bazentin Ridge, The Battle of Delville Wood, The Battle of Thiepval Ridge, The Battle of the Ancre Heights, The Battle of the Ancre.
During 1917
Operations on the Ancre, The German retreat to the Hindenburg Line, The Third Battle of the Scarpe, The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, The Battle of Langemarck, First Battle of Passchendaele, The Second Battle of Passchendaele.
09.02.1918 Transferred to the 53rd Brigade of the 18th Division which engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1918
The Battle of St Quentin, The Battle of the Avre, The actions of Villers-Brettoneux, The Battle of Amiens, The Battle of Albert, The Second Battle of Bapaume, The Battle of Epehy, The Battle of the St Quentin Canal, The Battle of the Selle, The Battle of the Sambre.
11.11.1918 Ended the war in France, Le Cateau.

8th (Service) Battalion
12.09.1914 Formed at Maidstone as part of the Third New Army (K3) and moved to Shoreham to join the 72nd Brigade of the 24th Division and then moved to Worthing.
April 1915 Moved back to Shoreham and then to Blackdown.
30.08.1915 Mobilised for war and landed at Boulogne and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1915
The Battle of Loos.
During 1916
The German gas attack at Wulverghem, The Battle of Delville Wood, The Battle of Guillemont.
During 1917
The Battle of Vimy Ridge, The Battle of Messines, The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, The Battle of Langemarck, The Cambrai Operations.
During 1918
The Battle of St Quentin, The Actions at the Somme Crossings, The Battle of Rosieres, The First Battle of the Avre, The Battle of Cambrai 1918, The pursuit to the Selle, The Battle of the Sambre.
11.11.1918 Ended the war in France, La Rolies east of Bavai.

9th (Service) Battalion
24.10.1914 Formed as a service battalion at Chatham as part of the Fourth New Army (K4) in the 93rd Brigade of the 31st Division.
10.04.1915 Became a 2nd Reserve Battalion of the 5th Reserve Brigade.
June 1915 Moved to Canterbury and then Colchester and then Shoreham.
01.09.1916 Absorbed into the Training Reserve Battalions of the 5th Reserve Brigade.

10th (Service) Battalion (Kent County)
03.05.1915 Formed by Lord Harris, Vice Lieutenant of Kent as requested by the Army Council at Maidstone.
July 1915 joined the 118th Brigade of the 39th Division
Oct 1915 Transferred to the 123rd Brigade of the 41st Division and taken over by the War Office.
Jan 1916 Moved to Aldershot.
04.05.1916 Mobilised for war and landed in France and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1916
The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, The Battle of the Transloy Ridges.
During 1917
The Battle of Messines, The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, The Battle of the Menin Road, Operations on the Flanders coast.
Nov 1917 Moved to Italy to strengthen the Italian resistance.
Mar 1918 Returned to France arriving at Doullens and once again engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
The Battle of St Quentin, The Battle of Bapaume, The Battle of Arras, The Battles of the Lys, The Advance in Flanders, The Battle of Ypres, The Battle of Courtrai, The action of Ooteghem.
11.11.1918 Ended the war in Belgium, Rooverst west of Nederbrakel.

11th (Service) Battalion (Lewisham)
05.05.1915 Formed by The Mayor and local committee at Lewisham and then moved to Catford.
July 1915 joined the 118th Brigade of the 39th Division
Oct 1915 Transferred to the 122nd Brigade of the 41st Division and taken over by the War Office.
Jan 1916 Moved to Aldershot.
03.05.1916 Mobilised for war and landed in France and engaged in various actions on the Western Front including;
During 1916
The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, The Battle of the Transloy Ridges.
During 1917
The Battle of Messines, The Battle of Pilkem Ridge, The Battle of the Menin Road, Operations on the Flanders coast.
Nov 1917 Moved to Italy to strengthen the Italian resistance.
Mar 1918 Returned to France arriving at Doullens and once again engaged in various actions on the Western Front.
16.03.1918 Disbanded in France.

12th (Reserve) Battalion
Feb 1916 Formed as a Local Reserve battalion from the depot companies of the 10th and 11th Battalions and then moved to Northampton to join the 23rd Reserve Brigade.
May 1916 Moved to Aldershot.
01.09.1916 Became the 99th Training Reserve Battalion in the 23rd Reserve Brigade.

1st (Home Service) Garrison Battalion
Mar 1916 Formed at Rochester and remained there until it became the 15th Battalion of the Royal Defence Corps.

Royal West Kent 20210515

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Nombre de messages : 3938
Age : 53
Localisation : seitengewehr land
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2011

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMar 11 Oct 2022 - 10:58


Photo ; © IWM Q 1429, « Les hommes du Royal West Kent Regiment reçoivent leur solde d'un officier dans un trou d'obus près de la ferme Mouquet, octobre 1916. Les hommes ont un flash en forme de triangle peint sur leurs casques. " (Lt Ernest Brooks).

Amicalement /biere/

Royal West Kent Db294710
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Nombre de messages : 2233
Age : 59
Localisation : ISERE
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2016

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMar 11 Oct 2022 - 20:26

Bonsoir Pascal et à tous,

Merci beaucoup pour tous ces renseignements permettant de mieux connaître ces Gars et cette période.

Pascal, j'ai une question Cool

Les 2 Gars portant un tablier sont des maréchaux-ferrants ?
........ c'est leur tablier de cuir qui me fait penser à ceci ( Rolling Eyes )

Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse.
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Nombre de messages : 3938
Age : 53
Localisation : seitengewehr land
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2011

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMer 12 Oct 2022 - 7:18

Bonjour Jean Luc,

Je pensais plus au Groundsheet plutôt qu’à un tablier de cuir /reflechi/
Regarde ce dossier très intéressant Wink

Amicalement /biere/
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Nombre de messages : 2233
Age : 59
Localisation : ISERE
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2016

Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent EmptyMer 12 Oct 2022 - 11:33

Bonjour Pascal,

Ok merci, je vais "jeter Rolling Eyes " un oeil .
Excellente journée là-haut Wink
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Royal West Kent Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Royal West Kent   Royal West Kent Empty

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Royal West Kent
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